Wednesday, July 13, 2011


So I think this year is a test, given that I've had a few relatively easy years. Not bad change...just change. Some actually good.

It began with the change in my brother in law's job. This is bringing about a great change for him and awesome opportunity. Which means that my sister and family are moving away to Seattle. It wouldn't be so hard, if it weren't for the fact that we both moved out from Texas at around the same time (w/in 6 mos of each other), lived together, got married within about a year of each other, went to church together, live within 5 min of each other, and have 2 kids, both sets born within 5 mos of each other. Excuse the run-on. I think if it weren't for the kids, it'd be a whole lot easier. But after the years of memories that have been made, I'm flat-out, bummed. It's supposedly temporary...couple of years maybe. But who knows? They leave Saturday. I dread a Saturday, for the 1st time in my life.

My husband's grandmother just passed a couple of weeks ago, and that brings change to the family. At least she lived a full life and went to be with her Creator. And she must have known something, because she finally was able to go out for a visit to Korea, the land where she wanted to be to her husband. She must have known.

And there is the change of me going from stay-at-home mom, to SAHM+children's director for our church, Mission Hope. This change brings about both, enthusiasm and humility. I don't know how a children's ministry runs...but somehow God is sustaining me and bringing creativity to mind as I prepare.

Everyday, I'm clinging onto the ONE CONSTANT. I'm learning to really rely on His strength. There's no other choice. He is real and He will not change.

That's all I have to say. Sorry for the melancholy tone of this blog. But I'm allowing myself to be sad...and be okay with that. Ultimately, I still have joy in my God. But I must say...I hope I don't have another big test anytime soon.


  1. It seems like hard and big changes come in bundles! Every time I think I am not strong enough or unwilling or just plain tired, my biggest comfort is knowing that I'm really not alone. I have my wonderful family, no matter how far the distance, and I have my faith, even if I'm not such a "good" Christian all the time.

  2. your honesty! I'm with you girl in similar, yet different ways. Glad we're on the journey together! ;) Love you.
